There is power in beginning.

Hey loves! Welcome to my first official post. Yay. 🙂 I’m so excited that I finally started this, and some of the people who know me would say that it was definitely way overdue. I admit, I had been postponing this for AGES. Well, I’m glad that I finally got my act together and decided to take the first step. So here I am now, one year down the line. (lol)

I had been pushing it off for a couple of reasons, some of them being that I was very busy, I didn’t have my priorities in order, and a whole other bunch of tiny, ridiculous excuses. However, the main reason was I genuinely believed that it was going to be an impossible process. And honestly, with that kind of mindset, no wonder I was never able to move forward!

In order for me to overcome that mentality and grow, I needed to change my attitude, and I’m glad that I did. Here are some of the things that helped me, and I know that they can help you too in any situation or challenge that you may be facing:

1. Controlling my mind: Basically shutting down every negative thought, replacing it with something positive, and then literally speaking out that positive thought. E.g. saying things like “yes I will do it” out loud.

2. Cleaning up my vocabulary: Which involved purposely replacing words such as “impossible” with “possible”, and replacing phrases like “I could do this” with “I will do this” etc.

3. Breaking everything down into small, simple, manageable tasks and doing them: This is extremely important if you’re ever going to achieve anything. Sometimes, we get the ‘mountain  feeling’ where something seems overwhelming and too big to tackle, and breaking it down into petite, do-able steps is the only effective way to overcome this. Oh and don’t worry about how small the step is, all that matters is that you’re moving in the right direction. With time, you’ll notice that these steps will grow bigger effortlessly. So each time your mind or someone else makes you underestimate your effort, just remember that Rome wasn’t built in one day.

4. Setting goals, writing them down, allocating your time and setting deadlines:  However big or small, long-term or short-term a goal is, writing it down is crucial. After doing this, set aside a specific time in which you’ll do it, and write that down too. Lastly, give yourself a deadline, write it, and make sure you take it seriously. And when you’re not able to do what you intended to, don’t condemn yourself or quit either. Just remember that tomorrow is another day, and a brand new chance to start over and do it right!.

5. Give thanks: It’s very important to thank God for helping you achieve what you’ve done.

6. Rewarding yourself: Each time you accomplish a goal or complete a task,  you should reward yourself in whichever way works best for you. Some examples of rewards include telling yourself “good job!”, taking some time off to relax (like a physical or mental vacation), buying yourself those shoes that you always wanted etc. Just make sure the rewards are appropriate so that you strike a balance.

7. Gathering inspiration: Doing whatever fires you up with motivation towards your goals. In this particular case, looking at my favourite blogs every now and then always gave me fresh inspiration.

There you go :). So, whatever it is you’re going through, remember that the most important thing to do is to take that first step towards the solution, and the rest will follow through, because there is power in beginning. Don’t postpone it either, because now is the best time to do it. Just start where you are, with what you have, and I promise it will get easier with time.

Feel free to comment , add your tips, or say hi. Thanks for your time. Ciao! xxx